Monday, April 19, 2010

Eldora False Lashes-Part 2

 Following on from my earlier post about the Eldora false eyelashes , here are  few of other lashes  i got from Eldora
As you can see, these are a little more dramatic than Eldora Natural lashes B110, although they arant  still over-dramatic .I would wear them when  I want to look more glam and dressed up, without looking too over-the-top. You’ll find a couple more pictures under the jump


i am sooo loving my eyemakeup in above picture. isnt it nice/?

(All images are click able,enlarge to have a closer look)

you can read all about Eldora false lashes, shipping here 

Eldora  also does  giveaway  false eyelashes for competition on their facebook page at Eldora False do check that out
What do you think? Dramtic yet subtle? NO???


  1. Wow!!

    The second set looks quite dramatic :-)

    Btw, you may need to increase the width of your blogs sweetie..Your lovely pics are being cut from view.

  2. i wish i knew how do i do that:(
    btw i was testing with the pictures, i uploaded them to the maxx, back to normal now

  3. These eyelashes are HOT! I need them for myself (and my kit).

  4. Aren't they gorgeous? Best thing is that no matter what ..they don't look overly fake .in fact completes the look

  5. Aren't they gorgeous? Best thing is that no matter what ..they don't look overly fake .in fact completes the look

  6. wow! lovely lashes! ^^ i think i prefer the no.2, it's thicker and add dimension to your eyes.. :D

  7. I'm liking the first lashes! They look so perfect and tidy :D

  8. are they available in Pakistan????

  9. Hi and welcome aneela ,Eldora offer free worldwide delivery for purchases above GBP20.00. Otherwise, worldwide delivery is at GBP4.90.

  10. Thanks Sarah

    but i dont have Credit Card so Cannot shop online?????

  11. Thanks Sarah

    but i dont have Credit Card so Cannot shop online?????

  12. Ah.. In this case, nahi they aren't available in stores , Pakistan :( I loved them , infact I'm saving one pair of eyelashes to use on my engagement, so I haven't touched it yet :D

  13. Thanks Sarah

    but i dont have Credit Card so Cannot shop online?????


♥ I appreciate all your comments.I'll surely get back to your blog :)♥