Daily Photo [ 17-07-2011 ]

Sometimes when words fall shorts, Photos do the trick

 A new series of " Daily Photo" ( which is inspired my one of my favorite blogger Karen from http://www.makeupandbeautyblog.com  ) . There won't be any specific theme or time . There will be many categories like Makeup , Nature , abstract and more . Photos can be as random as my moods.

Cameras which will be used : Canon EOS Rebel T1i & Nikon S8100. 

Today's photos is of the lovely monsoon weather in the morning. Rain and Mango, my two favorite summer things. This is our home grown mango tree . City where i live , it hardly rains here , it was first moonsoon rain so i was pretty excited.

Your comments & suggestion will be highly appreciated :)

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  1. Enjoy the rains.
    OFF TOPIC: Can you or anyone tell me if bourjois is officialy being launched in Pak?

  2. Thank Rabeeyah & Pandora`s Box

    @Pandora`s Box I am not sure did you hear this somewhere??, i will get back to you with the detailed information in few days.

  3. Yes a friend told me bourjois will be launching in Lahore Al Fatah soon. So I thought I should ask the authority first before getting excited :)

  4. very pretty.. It's raining here tooo n love the cold weather....

  5. @Pandora`s Box
    i went there last week and at that time there werent anything regrading bourjois, but i will be happy if they launch here , i love their mascara and healthy mix foundation , i am nnot sure about "official " launch as alfatah brought so many brand this year .


♥ I appreciate all your comments.I'll surely get back to your blog :)♥