Glossicious is Away !!!!!

I know ! I know .. i travel a lot . But what can i do ? i love to travel.
So its the that time of the month. Glossicious will be having no posts until i come back.

This trip is "special" for me.
 wait until i come back :)
I will surprise you all.

You know the drill ! Glossicious Routine will be same , comments will be moderated. I will try to respond to emails and tweet if time allows.

I can be reached at my email  if you have something really  important to ask.
Meanwhile feel free to browse the Glossicious Archive and maybe you missed something interesting.

So i will see you girls first first week of august. I love you all , i love reading your comments and i appreciate your daily visits. It means a world to me.

When i come back you will see exciting reviews, previews,holiday pictures and news.

so i will see you all real soon..


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  1. Have fun Sarah!! :) I can't get to hear the news you got for us!! :) I'll miss you!! xxx


  2. Have a wonderful vacation!! will look forward to your special news :)

  3. I know..I know..

    Wish you all the best Sarah..Hope you come back with loads a pics and happiness.Enjoy

  4. Irrelevant to this post, but I've given you the I Heart Your Blog Award on my blog, check it out if you want! :)


  5. Wish u all the best Sarah.
    miss you soooo much,

  6. Congrats!! That is soo exciting! All the best to the two of you!


♥ I appreciate all your comments.I'll surely get back to your blog :)♥