Thursday, September 15, 2011

Bio-Oil, Good-bio to Stretch Marks ?

Any women on the planet who says that she wouldn’t race down the high street naked to get her hands on a wonder product that banishes stretch marks and scars is a liar. As yet though, there really is no such product that exists. Although those clever boffins that mix their
potions in a lab to help us through the pains of being a women have brought us some pretty good products. Luckily for us, they came up with the next best thing to a wonder product. When Bio-Oil was first launched and marketed as a product that would eliminate stretch marks and give us all clear, youthful skin, of course us women were collectively sceptical.

A few years on though, thousands of real life testers having used the sweet smelling oil as a bath soak,as a skin shiner and as massage oil even, we can finally put some faith in the oily orange liquid. The feedback that Bio-Oil gets as a skin tonic is not to be sniffed at.

What goes in it?

The oil is made from a mix of essential oils, botanicals, and vitamins which are designed to work together to repair and revitalise the skin all over the body. When the product was first introduced to the beauty industry as a multi purpose ‘skin tonic’, there was scepticism as to whether a product really could be used for more than one skin complaint. Relying on reports form previous users of the oil, it seems that it is very possible indeed.

What to do with it?

There is no rule book attached to a bottle of Bio-Oil; use it however you wish. Put a few drops into your bath, use it as moisturising oil for your whole body, or focus on areas that need to be treated –whatever feels right for you. Do use the oil often though; most users have reported that they have been able to see a difference in the appearance of their skin after around two months of everyday use.

What’s the best thing about B-Oil?

It’s affordable and it smells delicious!

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  1. Im on my second bottle and even though im oily skineed- I love it!!! it rocks

  2. I heard that bio-oil is an effective beauty product to make your skin smooth and soft and I want to try it for myself. We should consider that the products we care using is safe and effective like the weleda.


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