Liz Earle Eyebright Soothing Eye Lotion - Review

Since i am an obsessed   dedictaed beauty blogger , i spend more than half of my day sittig infront of my laptop, respondig to emails, watching tv shows, tweeting , facebooking , looking for cool deals for you guys , composing posts, editing photos , some days i sleep really late because some really good movie is palying on tv or i am just sleepless. Or just staring at monitor clueless , for hours for blog post ideas.
Result :  puffy, sore, tired eye

Then came Liz Earle Eyebright soothing lotion came to rescue 

Wake up and revitalise eyes with cotton wool pads soaked in this gentle, soothing herbal lotion before using Cleanse & Polish.  

Combine it with Daily Eye Repair& Smoothing Line Serum
To do a facial eye treatment in the comfort of their own homes, you can simply soak two cotton wool pads of our Eyebright and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then apply Soothing Line Serum around your eye contour (gently patting with their ring fingers) and finally apply the two chilled pads for 15minutes and relax. This will help decongest and hydrate the eye area, leaving eyes looking bright and beautiful!

Liz Earle Eyebright Soothing Eye Lotion is a little sister of Instant Boost Skin Tonic.   when comes to packaging , Its the same rectangular packaging with its twist-up lid. The texture is of water consistency. Its non greasy , not sticky at all. 

How to use :
Suggested method :Apply Eyebright to cotton wool pad to clean and wake up your eyes first thing.For a revitalising, soothing compress, soak 2 cotton wool pads in Eyebright and place over eyes and relax for 5 – 10 minutes. Eyebright is light, non-oily and suitable for contact lens wearers.

I store  my Liz Earle Eyebright Soothing Eye Lotion i the fridge . Since its really hot these days, applying it after chill makes my eyes feel much better & awake . I dont use it on daily basis . I keep it for those times of need.

Day Time :: During day time, I usually , we a single cotton ball, and quickly sweep this over both eyes.  It really helps my eyes feel more awake instantly.

NightTime ::I mostly use it before going to bed, after a long day in front of a computer screen . I just wet two cotton balls , and place them on your eyes, sit back and relax for 10 mins. It gives me refreshing relief just beforei go to sleep. This also helps removing every last trace of eye make up that's there , i my case, usually my kajal. Also if i have been out and had to wear heavier eye make up, usually my eyes feel irritated after cleansing so i soak a cotton ball and repeat the above method , it helps to soothe and calm them.

Its a cross between an eye makeup remover and a toner of sorts for eyes, which helos soothing, cooling and calming .

Price & Availability : Eyebright costs £9.70 for 150ml or £4.85 for a travel size 50ml bottle and can be purchased online at .  Liz Earle ships internationally.  

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  1. Looks like a great product! Nice review

  2. I have heard good things about this one. Great review.

  3. Thanks for the review! I also like Estee Lauder
    Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator too.


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