Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jenulence Giveaway winner

Congratulations !!!!!!!

Sara from soulful suga

Mineral Eye Shadows Gift Set complete with 2 brushes

your choice of colors ! 


 please email me with your choice of colors and postal address

Congratulations  !!!!

 and Thank you everyone for entering :)


  1. Awwwwww, yay!! Thank you doll :] What a fabulous opportunity to try these out! This has truly made my week so much better! I will be e-mailing you in just a lil bit pretty, watching nephew for sis and he is a handful. Thank you soooooo much again! Your such a sweetie. I will continue to follow your blog and I hope all is going well for you! Best wishes* ♥

  2. no prob hon! i got your email, i have forwarded your details to jenya :)


♥ I appreciate all your comments.I'll surely get back to your blog :)♥