Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter Sticks SPF 15 Review , Photos & Swatches

You must be aware of my love for Korres Lip butters i am having a love affair with my korres lip butterand i knew nothing could come between us


Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter Sticks SPF 15  came into my life.

Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter Sticks SPF 15 are one of Korres's newly launched products. You can imagine my joy and surprise  when i saw them in mail few days earlier.


Lip butter that instantly hydrates and softens the lips. Shea butter and Sunflower wax deeply nourish and offer long-lasting care, while Mandarin oil conditions dry lips. Ideal for chapped lips.
Moisturising lip butter stick by Korres contains shea butter and sunflower wax with SPF 15

Ingredients  :

mandarin oil: refreshing, soothing shea butter wax: moisturising sunflower wax: anti-oxidant castor oil: nourishing, emolient vitamin e:anti-oxidant.

Shades/Color :  New Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter come in 6 different colours

  • Peach,
  • Pink, 
  • Purple, 
  • Rose , 
  •   colorless with SPF 15 
  • and lastly colorless.
I have them in Rose and Colorless  with SPF 15 

( I dont want to distract you , but did anyone notice my mole on lips? yes its right there? Pretty?)

As you can see , that colorless is not quite colorless, it tends to leave a white caste on the lips, makes sort of frosty looking lips.so its recommended to use a little and then spread it well using finger or lip brush or any method you fancy ( i use fingers) before applying more.This way it leaves a hint of nude / bare lips instead of ghostly white ones.If you don't apply it carefully as i already warned you , you can shock your friends or family , in my case my brother was speechless for 2 mins and then he started making fun of me.Boys?, eh!

But on the contrary , Rose is a uber pretty color, I have swatched it lightly , its bit darker in real.It smells so beautiful and looks stunning .

Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter Sticks are so soft to be applied smoothly on the lips and Oh so smooth. They are indeed moisturizing  more moisturizing than my favorite lip butter, and they give healthy shiny finish, not glossy.

Best part that it's a hard lip butter stick , because when i got it i was delighted to see , that it didn't melt in the tube,  Remember my Illasmaqua  products melt down tragedy, i am still recovering from that. So if you can tolerate Pakistan's heat , you are Glossicious approved.
SmellNot quite Mandarin( Kinno in Urdu) which is more of citrus-y but Rose one has pretty sweet floral smell  with hint of shea butter, and colorless one surprisingly  smells more of shea butter /cocoa butter though both have only little hint of smell, nothing strong.

Packaging: sturdy, the twisting mechanism works fine with out any hassle.Nothing fancy but minimal decor.
You can buy  Korres Colour Mandarin Lip Butter Sticks from Korres website   and Asos 

Price: £6.50 /7.50 Euro

Please let me know if you've tried any :)

Disclaimer: Products were provided by the Company /PR and  I am not paid to endorse this product.My opinion are honest as always.


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  1. I quite like the rose one on you.. Don't like the colorless one though.. I had a lip balm like that one. & I hated it. Doesn't look nice at all on me. But Rose is awesome :D

  2. i like the rose better, its much darker in real , i swatched it lightly on lips though. still scared to try dark lip products.

  3. Damn... I want to buy it!! And just so you know I don't like lip balms!! lol I've had a Garnier Repair one (red see-through cap) for months and it's almost brand new! I usually hate the way lip balms feels, too greasy for me :/ This Garnier one isn't greasy and I keep it in my makeup stash just in case my lips are dry and I want to wear a lipstick! Does the Korres one feel greasy?? Btw I like the Rose on you a lot! :)

  4. The rose one looks great on you :)

  5. @Stavroula
    it doesnt feel waxy at all ,rather feels moisturizing :)
    Thanks :)

  6. Is this pure of shea butter lipbalm or contain a petroleum jelly,Sarah?
    I love the packaging anyway.. :)

  7. hey lin , Korres products are all natural , not 100% but better than nothing ,
    Mineral Oil Free
    Silicone Free
    Propylene Glycol Free
    Ethanolamine Free
    and its pure shea butter :)

  8. Rose looks yum! Pretty on yr lips too



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