Peach & Brown Eotd with Sleek Makeup Paraguaya i-Divine Palette

I was playing with my new Sleek makeup Paraguaya i-Divine Palette and i came up with this pretty peach brown eye makeup

The below few pictures didnt came as good as i wanted them to be so i tweeked a little with the lightning. Nothing major

 I am pretty happy with the outcome considering i am not very good with eyemakeup . 

Products used in this look are

Eyes :

  • Benefit creaseless cream eyeshadow in recess as primer
  • Matt While eyepencil by class as a base
  • Paraguaya i-Divine Palette ( tangled all over the lid , Stone to contour and parfait to highlight) [Review & Swatch Here]
  • Original  i-Divine Palette (Used the shimmer brown from the second row , third from right on the crease and blended well with tangled)
  • Maybelline eye studio lasting gel eyeliner 
  • Eldora fake eyelashes

Face : 
  • Etude stick foundation as base 
  • DMGM photofinish concealer as under eye highlight

Cheeks :
  • Sleek makeup blush in Pan Tao [Review & Swatch Here]

Lips :
  • Bourjois La Creme des Levres in Rose Moelleux

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  1. Beautiful look Sarah :) you look stunning

  2. wow look gorgeous dear...i love your eye makeup

  3. You look PRETTY! Love the blending and all the colors on the eyes. Specially the cheeks, the blush is amazing! :D

  4. Sarah..

    I am loving that look lovely..


  5. So pretty! Love the peach shades on you. Now I can't wait for my Peche to get here :)


  6. You're right to be happy with the results, it's such a pretty look and it suits you perfectly!! :) Btw I want that new sleek palette LOL! x


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